Pilot briefing EBAV  

The airfield operations manual can be consulted via this link.

EBAV is a PPR airfield!
When you plan to visit EBAV by air, you are required to confirm that you have read and understood this briefing, and that you will comply with its instructions.
This confirmation must be registered via www.ebav.be/briefing/.
PPR is mandatory before each intended landing at Avernas.
It is best done by phone (+32.483.33.72.30) during opening hours of the airfield.
When you call with a PPR request, you will be asked whether you have completed the review of the pilot briefing and registration.
You will be able to check on our webcam www.aero-hesbaye.eu/Etat_Terrain.html whether the field is open (incl. RWY in use).
For any further information prior to arrival, call the airfield commander +32.483.33.72.30 or the ARO ("C"-office) +32.478.09.74.94.
Please note: the pilot briefing does not include the operational procedures as contained in the airfield operations manual.
Please read the air and ground procedures via www.aerohesbaye.be/dossiers/Aero/Airfield/Airfield.html.

                                                            Table of Content

A. Circuit in us
B. EBD37
C. Wind turbines
D. A public road crosses the runway
E. Holding points before backtracking the runways
F. Revision

1. When planning your flight, expect the north circuit for arrival and departure.
    RWY 23 right-hand circuit or
    RWY 05 left-hand circuit.
    The north circuit is used especially by the flight school.
    Your PPR phone call will confirm the runway in use.
2. The south circuit is available specially for fast ULM.
3. Only one circuit is activated at a time.


Since the airfield is located in EBD37, two scenarios may apply:
1.Scenario 1: EBD37 is active i.e. military activity is ongoing:
Although EBD37 is a military aerobatics training area, EBAV-based aircraft are allowed to fly in the area during military activity subject to conditions described in a Memorandum of Understanding with the military authorities.
However, exceptionally, after having received authorization from EBBE, visiting pilots can cross EBD37 inbound EBAV. In this case, the requirements are the same as for EBAV-based pilots.
Requirements to enter EBD37 and land at EBAV:
1.EBAV airfield must be open.
2.PPR confirmed.
3.Mandatory equipment: radio and transponder.
4.EBBE is informed and aware of activities at EBAV.
5.Only 2 directions for arrivals:
a.North-east: from EBST at 2000 FT AMSL LOC QNH EBST.
b.South: from Andenne.
● Request PPR EBAV: before your flight, call the airfield commander +32.483.33.72.30 or the ARO ("C"-office) +32.478.09.74.94 to obtain an approval to land at EBAV.
● Before entering the danger area, contact EBBE by phone +32.2.442.55.00 or by radio EBBE APP on 122.830 MHz (EBBE TWR is 130.730MHz).
● When entering EBD37, squawk 2000 or the squawk assigned by EBBE APP and monitor EBBE APP 122.830 MHz.
● When EBD37 is active, the only approaches and integrations allowed are:
o from the north-east (from EBST) or
o from the south (from Andenne).
● Contact EBAV on 129.980MHz, just before overhead the field to confirm PPR.

Requirements when leaving Avernas and the active D37:
1.Mandatory equipment: radio and transponder.
2.EBBE is informed and aware of activities at EBAV.
3.Only 2 directions for departure:
a.North-east: inbound EBST and climb out 2000 ft AMSL LOC QNH EBST
b.South: inbound Andenne
●Before departure: Contact EBBE by phone on +32.2.442.55.00 and squawk 2000.
●After take off:
Contact via radio EBBE APP on 122.830MHz (EBBE TWR is 130.730) and squawk 2000.

2.Scenario 2: EBD37 is NOT active
●PPR is mandatory before each intended landing at Avernas. It is best done by calling the airfield commander +32.483.33.72.30 or the ARO ("C"-office) +32.478.09.74.94.
●If your aircraft is radio-equipped, contact EBAV on 129.980 MHz in English (recommended), French, Dutch or German a few minutes before overhead the field to report position and confirm PPR.
●If it is NOT radio-equipped, report this when you phone for PPR. Extra caution will be given at your expected time of arrival.


Precaution due to wind turbines in the vicinity of EBAV.
Before integrating the EBAV circuit for the first time, the visiting pilots must familiarize themselves with the wind turbine locations around the airfield (red dots on the map on page 2). They will be requested to confirm this during the mandatory PPR procedure.
To integrate the circuit, fly at 2000 FT AMSL and check the wind turbine positions before descending overhead the field at 1600 FT AMSL. Then check the signal area and continue your descent towards circuit integration..

When EBD37 is NOT active, an integration from the north-west will overfly 3 wind turbines.

When EBD37 is active
, the only integrations allowed are :
   ● from the north east (from EBST) or
   ● the south (from Andenne).

A public road crosses the runway
The 05/23 oriented runway is split by a public road crossing the grass surface. When the airfield is active, the runway is secured by barriers and traffic lights on both sides. This setup ensures the safety of departing and arriving air traffic.
The airfield commander is responsible for operating the barriers.
However, pilots must pay extra attention and watch out for any intrusion of a vehicle, cyclist, pedestrian or person on horseback….
If there is any doubt about the safety of your landing or departure manoeuvre, a go-around will be the best decision. Announce your intention and action on the radio (English (recommended), French or Dutch).
Please consult the airfield manual for more details on ground operations and check in with the airfield commander once on the ground at EBAV

Holding points before backtracking the runways
A particularity of the EBAV infrastructure is that the width of the airfield is not sufficient for separate taxiways. Therefore, holding points were created to avoid backtracking on either runway when landing operations are ongoing. Pilots will hold these designated positions (yellow marks in the picture above) until no aircraft is beyond end of downwind before backtracking to the threshold of the runway in use. For safety reasons, backtracking will be done exclusively on the south edge of the runways, between the border of the field and the white line, never on the runway itself.

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